The Web Site of Cobyzaby

~~ Welcome! ~~

You have reached the Web Site of Cobyzaby, the dank passageways where I hoard information and images like a little digital dragon. Occasionally, I'll relay some thoughts about whatever it is I'm doing at the moment. Stay a while. Enjoy the ambiance. *a cockroach scuttles away from the torchlight*

last updated April 30, 2024
site created April 19, 2023.
Updates Page

~ Find me on the www ~

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~ Entryways ~

~ Hoards ~

* Collected *

* Created *

~ Grottos ~

~~ Exits ~~

~ My Other Sites ~

Toadsbey's Place Tempest Time

~ Neocities Mutuals ~

~ Web Cliques ~

a neon pink strawberry. it's probably radioactive. The Kitty Clique coffee celestial divine // cancer Cats!
Name: Bazingus
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

::everyone needs a hug:: / rock me Talking Heads

~ Webrings ~

~~ Congratulations! You scrolled pretty far! ~~

~ You have won... my email address! ~

(literally just say hi if you want to I love getting emails & will also give u my discord if ur chill)

This cave system is protected by a



Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant.

Want your own? Visit!